Friday, August 12, 2011

Some homework...

I am currently taking WYANNE'S Paint Free ecourse and I had some homework to do. I won't expose the details as I don't want to infringe on the copyright of her course but what I had to do was write a letter and then paint over it. This was my resulting painting. 

If you look really closely you can still see some of the words. I had originally wanted to leave some showing but it just didn't work for me. The balance of lights to darks and the background was pulling too much attention. This is kind of inspiring me to do some illustrative artwork, oh maybe I will write a children's book in my 5 spare minutes. OY!

The weekend is here and looks like sunshine! Not so good for our fire situation. Drought is scary.
the fairy!


Rhonda Miller said...

Oh my goodnes, this is fabulous. I just love the little fairy. TFS.

Margreet said...

Wow Roberta, this is so beautiful...I think you are really capable for writing and illustrating a children's book!
Enjoy the there will be some sun and more rain!
xxx Margreet

Skye and Starz said...

Hi Roberta,
I found your blog through flying has such a lovely whimsical feel about it. Lovely.
So hard finding the time to look around at everyone's blogs and read the course and and and.........

Unknown said...

Thanks girls. Yes, I am finding it hard to keep up myself Skye! XO! Happy to have met you!

Christina Hicks said...

She is so sweet and special, her hair is lifelike. I love this painting so much.

Anonymous said...

OMGosh.....soooooooo beautiful...soft and pretty...I love the colors - the details - ALL OF IT! MWAH!

Kelly said...

Roberta, this is gorgeous! How can you tell I am a little behind on blogging. Love her hair!