Sunday, April 26, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

African Violets

Welcome to my newest blog. I finally decided it was time to branch out and have a blog set up solely to showcase my paintings. I am slowly realizing over time that I am in fact flighty and that I often flip flop back and forth from one medium to another. This I am sure makes it difficult for viewing. Prairie Fairy will now be all things stampy and my pictoral art will be here. I hope some of my artwork followers will follow me over here! I will be slowly uploading my artwork from Prairy Fairy to here. Thanks for looking. Watch for more to come!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Fire Flowers 1

This is the first in a series I am doing called Fire Flowers. I am really into collage and acrylics lately. I love the impasto effects with the collage and the acrylic combined.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Old Barn

This old barn reminds me of the farm on Bear River. I love old barns, I look at them and picture past gernerations passing a simple life. I think we could all learn to live a little simpler.

Pebbles in a stream

This is a watercolor I did of some pebbles in a stream. The paper is 250lb cold pressed Arches.